Monday, January 12, 2009

Major Industries, What does this place do?

Normandie is strategically placed at the metaphorical cross roads of Europe, situated between London, Paris, and Brussels. This has been taken advantage of through abundant land, air and sea connections to major cities. At one point or another, over half of France's international sea imports passes through a port in Northwest France.

Of course, Normandie doesn't just import products. Huate-Normandie is a major player in the car manufacturing and pharmaceutical industries, while Basse-Normandie focuses more on the agro-food industry as well as the automotive industry.

Caen's resources include iron mines, and has industries such as steel and electronic equipment. Le Havre is France's main Atlantic port, and therefore is a bustling trade city; industries here include sugar, petroleum refining and the manufacturing of heavy machinery. Finally, Rouen specializes in making soap, paper, brandy, chemicals and textiles.

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